Friday, August 14, 2009

A Prayer Of A Seafarer's Wife

A Prayer of a Seafarer's Wife

by: Rhiz Sena
Aug. 14, 2009

Lord, please take care of him while he's away,
For I know, if there's other way, he would love to stay.
Guide him always, as he fulfill his mission,
To be successful in his chosen maritime profession.

Lord, all I am asking for, is his safety.
Protect him as he goes through the heavy waves of the sea.
Help him win the storm he might face along his journey.
Though he is strong, help him, oh Lord, in every way.

Every night when he feels he needs my warmth hug;
In the same way I would want to kiss and hug him so tight
Though couple of months we are not together-
Lord, You know how genuine is the love we have for each other.
Distance and time, aren't reasons to give up the love so true.
So, keep us stronger each day,I beg You.

You are the center of our relationship;
Thank you for helping us surpass all the life's hardships.
And though I am confident knowing we carry tons of love and faith for one another,
Lead us still NOT into temptations whenever, wherever.

Lord, please watch over him for me always;
As I have promised before You, to love him in many ways.
I will be loyal and faithful wife,
For I have comitted myself to be his forever partner in life.

Up until his coming back home;
I will stay and patiently wait for he will be with me again, soon.
Lord, all I am asking for is his safety;
In land, in sea, wherever he will be. I pray.